Our Club encourages the preservation, restoration and enjoyment of all Corvettes
We are a non-profit organization.
We encourage all club members and members of the general public to attend our general meetings held bi-monthly.
We encourage all club members to attend any event on the social calendar.
Club meeting details, club contacts, club application forms and more are available on this website.
Membership is available to all Corvette owners and enthusiasts.
Membership is only $60.00 per year and a once only nomination fee of $30.00
*Fees differ for applications after 31st December. See website ‘Club Info’ for ‘Constitution’ and Membership Form.
To join the Corvettes of WA car club, download and print out the Member Ship Form
Post your cheque or money order with the Completed Member Ship Form attached to:
“Corvettes of Western Australia (Inc)”
177 Capricorn Esplanade
Yanchep WA 6035
Email your Form and a copy of the EFT Transaction to membership@corvettesofwa.com
Articles, photos, enquiries and feedback are always welcome. Please email the Website Editor direct.